If your Xbox 360 has died recently, read on to find out what not to do. And at the end, find out what you should do.
Last summer my Xbox 360 died and showed me those notorious three flashing red lights. At the time I had no idea what they meant. All I knew was that nothing worked anymore. So I ran a search on Google for “Xbox 360 three flashing red lights,” and pretty soon I realized I was in trouble.
Three flashing lights on your Xbox 360, I discovered, meant a general hardware failure. And by the sounds of things, there wasn’t a lot you could do except send it back to Microsoft and wait for a repair.
So I was all set to return it to Microsoft. Until I read on the official site that it could take up to 8 weeks for them to fix and return my Xbox 360. There was no way I wanted to be without my console for that long, so I started looking into other ways of solving the problem of the Xbox 360’s three flashing red lights.
Unfortunately for me I found a website that showed you how to crack open the Xbox’s case and perform some do-it-yourself soldering. Apparently the Xbox 360 is known for having weak solder joints, and following the instructions on the website would allow me to re-solder the faulty connections.
Anyway, idiot that I am I gave it a try. When I turned the Xbox 360 back on after my repair attempts the three flashing red lights were gone. The trouble is, so were all the lights. Something I’d done inside had resulted in complete shutdown. The thing just wouldn’t come on at all.
Angry and desperate, I then gave in and sent the thing back to Microsoft for them to repair. A week later it came back to me with a short note attached – the note informed me that due to my breaking the seal the warranty was now void, and that my console was no longer eligible for repair by them.
A week later and I was in a store spending my hard-earned money on a replacement Xbox 360.
Not long after all this I started posting on blogs and forums, warning people not to try fixing your Xbox 360’s three flashing red lights on your own. Any time the subject came up I instantly told people to get their console back to Microsoft right away for a repair.
I’m no longer giving that advice, though.
Not since a friend of mine managed to successfully rid his Xbox 360 of the three flashing red lights. He found this system online called The James Dean 3 Red Light Fix Pro. He gave them a try because they had a money-back guarantee that he would have his console in perfect working order in less than 2 hours.
And it worked just like they promised. He followed their video tutorials and an hour later he was playing Guitar Hero 3 on his Xbox 360...minus those dreaded three flashing red lights.
So now when the subject of the three flashing red lights on the Xbox 360 comes up, I tell people to give The James Dean 3 Red Light Fix Pro a try. And everyone I’ve recommended it to has found that the fix works just as well as it did for my friend.
If your Xbox 360 is dead, isn’t it worth a shot? With the guarantee of getting it up and running again in less than 2 hours, I’d say it is. Click here to fix your xbox 360 now!